domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010
the secret of success Illusion, Magic, Fortune Teller, Predictions
The twentieth century is television, radio, telecommunications.
The twenty-first century of telephony, Internet.In this century is the power of human thoughts, using a law of nature of the universe, some children are born with that ability, people doing extraordinary things, the bulk of humanity is amazed at such strange powers shown on television.
Activate the power with your thoughts.These powers exist for the sake of social inequality, some are poor and other millionaires, each branch is located at social issues as their thoughts. So do not blame your misfortune, bad luck in life, your thoughts take you where you are.
Hello ... a new day to experiment with your thoughts, feelings, either of the two great powers that use of Love or the Faith, many people find it ridiculous and stupid, the power of love and faith, turned these powers with your thoughts and feelings. Remember, these powers were hidden from the wise and prudent and revealed to ordinary people, and not understand why they are blind. Remember the sun illuminates everyone, black or white, rich or poor, good or bad, or the rain falls to all without exception or discrimination, these powers are to turn it all with your thoughts positive or negative.
I wonder how these powers work in space, outside the planet Earth or the moon, or simply work on earth, and about animals and how these powers will use it because they do not have thoughts or have it?.A man once locked him hungry lions and the lions ate him this man, someone controlled the minds of the lions.
There are unknowns about this power, even scientists do not bother to study it, because it is difficult to study these powers, the answer is simple, the hardest job is to think, and who controls the mind controls the world. You realize that millionaires or intellectual control the world. But there is always someone who does not allow control by others, while the vast majority of which controls are impressed, so we begin today's topic, the Illusionist.Once a person is believed powerful, he believed that he had occult powers, people admired him, were impressed with their acts of illusion, make things disappear or guess the thought. This person does not know if the powers of Love and Faith, and there is a law of nature to mankind, that just thinking you can do extraordinary things. In my opinion possibly use the power of faith this Illusionist that surprises with its actions. Ask how you do it?: Remember who controls the mind controls everything. We have to remember how the power of the mind.
Your brain emits a signal, but what is the signal?, Your thoughts are either negative or positive, this sign of your thoughts activates the law of nature, the law of nature makes it real or material. In other words, your brain is an antenna that emits signals, the law of nature makes the material in your life. You are what you think, what you think is the result of a lifetime of failure or success. Cause and effect are your thoughts Cause, Effect is the result of your thoughts or is the law that makes it real or material.The magician who guessing asking, think of a number and that number adivinare thought, when you are thinking of a number you are emitting a signal and the signal will capture the Illusionist and guess the number, in other words is reading your mind, always think and say to think and these broadcasts. But the surprise is that the illusionist is looking for people distracted and easy to read minds, not all can read minds, always looking for weak minds.
There are people who can read minds, why are emitting a signal and can easily read your mind.
This person manages his mind perfectly for what you do, your mind can do extraordinary things.
Ask how an object moved somewhere else?. The mind is so powerful it can do anything, if you had faith as a grain of mustard have you told this mountain move and you will obey.
Not Satanism ask?, Sun shines for all, clear that there's good and bad.This power to read minds is very dangerous, anyone can read your mind, criminals, drug dealers, you can easily steal the number of your credit card until you can control a person physically. The thieves also specialize in this area.
The other word is the visualization, you always say you visualize and read your mind. Ever surprised, saying, as you read my mind, that was just me thinking or read your mind. Everyone can read minds. But how, it's just concentration.
lunes, 13 de septiembre de 2010
the secret of success
The secret of success.
First define. What is a law?: Rule and constant and invariable rule of the causes, born of the first cause or their own attributes and conditions.
Heard of the law of gravity, full body weight or things always tends toward the surface of the ground or falls vertically, of course this happens on Earth, but on the moon's gravity is different, the weight is lighter , so that seemed to fly astronauts to the moon.
This force of gravity is as invisible magnet that attracts any mass weight to the surface of the earth, the force of gravity is in the center of the earth. Or when you saw a flying object that is not without propulsion or wings, which are sustained in the air with the air stream.
To this day no one could block the force of gravity that attracts like a magnet weighing things. This law is fulfilled to the letter, if not all should walk suspended in the heavens.
This law does not see it, but we do know, if an object or an apple is dropped from a height, will always fall to the ground has an impact, it would be rare to be suspended in the air.
This can include a number of laws in the universe and the earth, nor see, but if we use it. If this law had not been created would have no feet to walk, logical law is created so that we walk on the surface of the earth, which I believe this law planned everything.
It turns out that there is also a law for mankind (men and women, children) have been using this law as we enter into reasoning or a child. This law we use with our thoughts (feelings, emotions).
THE LAW OF THOUGHTS defines it as follows:
Every thought has a positive or negative outcome in your daily life short or long term.
Your daily life is the reflection of your thoughts.
The success or failure is the result of your thoughts.
The wealth or poverty is the result of your thoughts.
Everything you think attracts your life.
Your thoughts are like magnets that attract people, objects.
There are two major powers to think LOVE and FAITH. Through these two great powers can attract, creativity, inventiveness, things, people, money, etc.., All that is your case.
This law does not see, but if we use our thoughts either for good or evil. All you get in your daily life is the result of your thoughts. Cause and Effect, cause and effect are your thoughts as you receive each day, the success or failure. You just ask and the law as a magnet attracting and creating your wishes materializing.
THIS LAW IS HIDDEN of connoisseurs.
Science is studying the law of gravity and science is to study the law of the mind, in other words the law is, science is testable, verifiable, you can use the scientific method to test the science. This law is hidden to the experts (scientists), one thing to have knowledge, but knowledge that you understand this law, you can impress and comprehend or understand this law, just spend a couple of hours forget this law. Many were impressed by this Act, with the passage of time is forgotten. There are others who consciously tried to use this law, but never got to control your mind, they were always in disarray.
Some think to implement in schools and colleges a subject of the study area of this law and other financial or accounting. You may wonder why there rich and poor in different societies or economic inequality, for this reason it confirms the existence of this law, which is responsible or the result of the thoughts that some others think wealth gap. One person said, the hardest job is to think, for this reason few people are creative, successful, millionaires, inventors. Put a blank mind (clean and clear), it is important to invent and be creative, few people do.
The definition of this law is:
With the midas as others, it will be measured to you.
With the rod medieras, you will be measured.
Give, and it will give them more.
Forgive and be forgiven.
Do not condemn, and are not condemned.
Do not judge, and not judge them.
This law was drawn from the Bible, which clearly shows the love and faith.
If you want something, work hard to get, remember work more or one of the hardest jobs is to think.
Gentlemen, this is not magic, something appears or disappears, others prefer to have a car to work hard, others only what they think and visualize in your mind and draw the lottery or have a good idea to do business and buy a car. A work day and night to get something, while others with a simple idea become millionaires.
It's fair or not fair, you have no chance to complain than others, or my education is bad, or I have no talent than others, I'm sick, I'm ugly, my parents raped me, the only culprit of your success or failure are you . You have your main tool of success that is your brain.
I write this, because I have the experience of using this law, which so far I'm amazed at what can cause, I realized when I looked at the consequences, just think what you wanted to happen. So far I do not think this would have caused a mind. My person uses the power of faith, not so perfect, the power of love I can hardly use it.
Always think they see to believe, remember, it's risky to believe without seeing.
Ask. What is the last thing I did with my thoughts? . There will be something great, but turned on a lamp or a light bulb just think, or moved me or change the bulb, I did not care how or who was going to light the lamp, I just want to be light. I just wanted to shine the light, I did nothing to change the bulb or what would be burned, not my specialty to become an electrician, I just wanted to shine the light. A couple of weeks later, but believe, I shine the light. Recalls not your problem as you only ask with your mind even if you have knowledge of that area.
Everything that happens on earth, continents, countries, the blame lies with the human mind, earthquakes, wars, drug dealers, terrorists, tsunamis, floods, rainfall, drought.
Thanks for reading and bendisco his life, having good day.
domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2010
Success Secret Millionaire
Hello ... this time speak of the secret of success of the millionaire. As always, poverty or wealth is the result of your thoughts (negative or positive).
Every thought or ideas are objects, and these will be translated into reality, any negativity will lead to failure, each not say or I can not live a mediocre life.
Remove from your life the word can not. If your thoughts are of scarcity, debt, lack, I have enough, then you never have enough. When you have thoughts of abundance, prosperity, and have enough to give to others, you'll never miss the money or wealth.
Of course, having these positive thoughts you rain down easy ideas for making money, you throw yourself to success, achievement or wealth earned all started with a good idea to make money.
The hopes and dreams of a person is very important to move in to get wealth, he captures dreams into reality.
Calls have faith and get, what is your dream that you continue to receive mold and in reality. Faith (display) is the assurance of things unseen, is the most powerful force that is used to attract things to the real world.
Faith is very import for making money in your business or networking business idea, remember, your thoughts are the fruits of your success or failure.
Results, success rates will have feelings and emotionally as if your business is thriving and see beyond the expected limits. Sit down as you had received your desires or dreams.
How do you feel when you've always wanted something and when you feel joy, you want to fly, you're on top, when this happens, your body emits a powerful force (the body heats and stirs the heart trembles, is able to do thing, is happy), this potent force is good for you, using this force can, attracts abundance, focus on prosperity, all you want you'll be anything you do not worry as he will, your only calls or dreams .
Have not you heard saying that faith can move mountains, if you had faith as a grain of mustard seed, you say to this mountain move and I obey. Love can move mountains, a feeling so strong and powerful.
Never did this happen, I know this person, but if it was the worst student in school, always disapproved, was the most unpopular student, is the ugliest, etc., Turns out to be a millionaire to be a millionaire do not need to be smart or expert in any area, is just mind (thoughts and feelings) and a business idea.
To attract money, the most important thing is to give thanks for what you have and what you going to receive. Some people are happy and feel happy about little things, little received.
And no lack of criticism, this guy is crazy, as you cheer for something so small you received or purchased. The secret of success is there, if you feel very happy and grateful for a small thing, it will be when you get great things, your joy will be bigger and attract more wealth, because there was thanked in the small and big things attract. Always remember to be grateful for what you have and receive.
A direct way to attract more money is:
Give money to receive money. Give money to attract more. When samples generosity with money and feel good giving them and sharing them, you're saying: I have in abundance.
Give money to beggar and never be a beggar.
The following will confirm the hypothesis scientifically invisible power of love and faith, also called the law of the universe or the power of your thoughts, so do not think that is a fantasy tale. If you do not believe me read the Bible, few people understand hidden secret many do not understand.
Listen and activate your sixth sense, if there were this power to create or this law would not have poor or rich we would all live in equality and inequality would not societies. There is this power or force, for this reason some use it consciously or unconsciously, to ask and have faith and receive Him. For this reason some people use their thoughts in harmony and get everything they want.
Many millionaires donate millions to institutions, shelters, and are twice what they donated.
Be careful with those people who guess, I read your mind and take control of your body, there is no luck or fortune tellers, hypnosis, some people can get into your mind and read it, is very dangerous.
Unable to attract more money into your life when you focus your thoughts on the lack of it. Be happy and be merry foster and feel as it you were getting the money. Chechen not always bill pending debt or your debt situation worse or get you visualize checks.
jueves, 2 de septiembre de 2010
the secret of success in life
The humanity of the 21st century man or woman no longer needs the doctors, or use a hospital to cure their ailments. Hello .... The secret of success focuses on: disease or good health is the result of your thoughts (feelings, emotions).
Remember the human body into energy, that energy can move with your thoughts (positive and negative harmonious that leads to disease).
The disease is the cause of hatred, resentment, speak ill of someone, gossip, envy, vanity, and others.Many people suffering from cancer, AIDS and the result of problems with your parents, children, family. And much worse the disease is having trouble with your parents, arréglate or forgiving if you do not lead to death.
There are books that tell you if you're a bad heart, kidney, liver is hatred, resentment with your parents, etc.. Test yourself which of these feelings and thoughts is your cure-disease and feelings of harmonious, positive thoughts, with love.
The negativity of your thoughts leads to a long decaimiento.Desde scientists and doctors concluded that the human body has a self-healing (regeneration of body parts or auto-healing), if this happened to a wound in the body immediately begins to close and a new skin regenerates.
For this reason the human body has its own self-healing. What if self-healing does not work?. Now that happens in people who wound on your body can not regenerate new skin and self-healing does not work, the next sentence says it all: The disease or good health is the result of your thoughts (feelings, emotions).
I once heard a person got sick of his face with a look inclined to his right, as was gesturing as if the facial nerve if it had moved to his right and could not laugh.
The big question, How far the disease was due to the face?. Any disease, AIDS, cancer, tumors, acne, blindness, deaf, short stature, disability, stress, diseases of the organs of the heart, kidneys, lungs, etc, etc, etc.
All of these diseases is the result of your thoughts, the more you divulge or talk to people your disease, your disease will grow more and take you to death. If your thoughts everyday is your disease, your illness will grow. So do not think of your illness and to cure any disease on LOVE.
Faith and love are two powerful energies that we can feel with your heart, your thoughts, imagine, you're already healthy, it will help more.
Completing the story of the inclined face, the cause of this rare disease, that person always gestures toward his father with his face and negative thoughts on that ground, his face was crooked.You already know what the solution of the cure.
Remember all illness is due to your thoughts.Cause and effect, cause and effect of your thoughts is the disease in your body. Remember the love moves mountains is the strongest power you can use. Stay away from negative people, can worsen your condition.